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  • Once they had a country, a culture, a future. Today, upheaval and betrayal have turned their world upside down. And for one family-a U.S. war hero, his deeply religious wife, and their impressionable fourteen-year-old son-a new struggle has just begun.Mano… Read More

  • Fast-paced and action-packed, America Libre is an award-winning novel that explores just how explosive the immigration crisis can be, and provides a wake-up call to the dangers of extremism on all sides.After years of anti-immigrant backlash, anger seethes in the nation's… Read More

Raul Ramos y Sanchez

About the Author

Cuban-born Raul Ramos y Sanchez grew up in Miami’s cultural kaleidoscope before becoming a long-time resident of the U.S. Midwest. Following a successful 25-year advertising career that included founding an ad agency with offices in Ohio and California, Raul turned to more personally meaningful work.

House Divided is the second book of the America Libre trilogy, which Ramos began in 2004 with the input of scholars from the USA, Latin America, and Spain. Besides developing a documentary for public television, Two Americas: The Legacy of our Hemisphere, Raul writes for a variety of publications and hosts — an online forum for the U.S. immigrant community. To find out more, visit

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