Dance Fast


By AR Cribbins

Illustrated by AR Cribbins

On Sale
Oct 8, 2024
Page Count
40 pages

This charming and humorous book celebrates Pomo traditions and explores creative frustration, perfectionism, and the value in embracing your mistakes. 

I want to dance!

Bizzy can’t wait to dance with all her friends and family at the summer gathering this year! But first, she must make the perfect regalia. It’s tricky work, even with a grown-up’s help, and her high expectations come crashing down in a flurry of torn fabric, loose beads, and tears. With support from her mom, grandma, and little brother, can Bizzy learn to see past the flaws, finish her work, and remember what’s really important?

AR Cribbins celebrates Pomo traditions in this charming and humorous tale about creativity and perfectionism. 

  • “The illustrations are bright and energetic and mirror Bizzy’s emotional undulations.”
  • “The many emotions of all the characters are wonderfully encapsulated in the imagery through collage and comic book–style cartoons…. This book teaches in a safe, digestible story that accidents happen, emotions will rise, but having support can help repair the situation smoother than attempting to fix it with those immediate big feelings.”
    School & Library Journal
  • “A vibrantly illustrated life lesson.”
  • “Cribbins’s message about avoiding perfectionism is not heavy-handed, and her digital illustrations are humorous.”
    Horn Book

Formats and Prices




$24.99 CAD




Hardcover $18.99 $24.99 CAD

AR Cribbins

About the Illustrator

AR Cribbins (she/they) is a member of the Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI) as well as Tapestry of Voices, a local SCBWI initiative dedicated to celebrating and centering diverse voices in children’s publishing. They have published fiction in some literary anthologies, including VoiceCatcher and Queer Fish. Some of their favorite activities are reading and encouraging creativity with their two kids. AR resides in Albany, California. 

Learn more about this illustrator