

By Samira Ahmed

On Sale
Mar 17, 2020
Page Count
400 pages

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$15.99 CAD

About the Author

NOVL - Headshot photo of Samira Ahmed

Samira Ahmed is the New York Times bestselling author of Love, Hate, & Other Filters and Internment. She was born in Bombay, India, and has lived in New York, Chicago, and Kauai, where she spent a year searching for the perfect mango. She invites you to visit her online at and on Twitter and Instagram @sam_aye_ahm.

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From NOVL Nation

“This is book for the ages that delivers a timeless and critical story about the importance of using your voice and checking yourself against the growing prejudices, hatred, and fear that can potentially grip our nation. A gripping must-read.”
—Olivia, One Mused

“At the risk of being bold, I would it up there next to The Hate U Give in terms of how powerful and real the message it contains within its pages is. We need more books like this one. Thank you, Samira Ahmed.”
—Alex, A Pritch Reads

“I am heartbroken. I am angered. I am inspired.”
—Lauren, Lauren’s Boookshelf

“Layla is a fantastic character who works as hard as she can and even looks death in the eyes at one point just to fight for what she believes in. She is strong willed, brave, and is a great role model for every reader of this book.”
—Jessica, Books 4 Jessica

“Layla is a beacon of hope. A hope that reminds us that anyone can resist.”
—Diana, D Wants to Read 

“This book made me feel. And it makes me want to help. And it makes me want to stand in solidarity with people treated differently because of the religion they want to practice or the religious clothing that distinguishes them.”
—Emily, Adventures and Reading

Book Club Guide

NOVL Book Club Guide Thumbnail - Internment

Samira Ahmed

About the Author

Samira Ahmed is the New York Times bestselling author of Love, Hate, & Other Filters and Internment. She was born in Bombay, India, and has lived in New York, Chicago, and Kauai, where she spent a year searching for the perfect mango. She invites you to visit her online at and on Twitter and Instagram @sam_aye_ahm.

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